Better Newspapers Competition (BNC) Awards of Excellence

The Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association encourages excellence by sponsoring an annual provincial competition to celebrate the achievements of its member newspapers. Newspapers compete against other newspapers of similar circulation for special awards in such categories as editorial, photography, advertising and special promotion. 

BNC Awards of Excellence 2023
2023 BNC Awards of Excellence Winners Presented May 2024
2022 Awards of Excellence
2022 BNC Awards of Excellence Winners Presented September 2023
2021 Awards of Excellence
2021 BNC Awards of Excellence Winners Presented June 2022
2020 Awards of Excellence
2020 BNC Awards of Excellence Winners Presented May 2021 Healthy
2019 Awards of Excellence
Presented June 2020 in an Awards Presentation held online
2018 Awards of Excellence
Presented May 31, 2019 in Red Deer Alberta at the Friday evening Awards Banquet
2017 Awards of Excellence
2017 Awards of Excellence were presented in Calgary, June 2018
2016 Awards of ExcellenceThursday, June 1, 2017
2016 Awards of Excellence were presented in Calgary, June 2017
2015 Awards of Excellence
2015 BNC Awards of Excellence Winners Presented May 2016
2014 Awards of ExcellenceMonday, June 15, 2015
2014 Awards of Excellence were presented in Edmonton, June 2015
2013 Award Winners
2013 Awards of Excellence were presented in Calgary, June 2014
2012 Award Winners
2012 Awards of Excellence were presented in Edmonton, June 2013
2011 Award Winners
2011 BNC Awards of Excellence Winners Presented May 2012
2010 Award Winners
2010 Award Winners Presented May 2012
2010 Award Winners II
2009 Award Winners
2008 Award Winners
2007 Award Winners
2006 Award Winners
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