Select your Insert Distribution

  • Now that you have reviewed the planning steps that lead to a successful Insert Distribution campaign, it is time to begin fleshing out your plan.
  • The form below draws on the decisions to be made in each of the items covered in the planning section and assumes you will separately plan for correct printing and shipping of your materials.
  • Once the form is completed and sent to us, we will review it and contact you back with a detailed quote from which your campaign can be booked or further alterations made.   
First time doing this...
  • Quantities required for Insert Distribution may vary from audited circulation.  Be sure you are planning with the correct number.
  • Deadline for booking and delivery to insertion points is 7 days prior to publication date.

Request an Insertion Distribution Quote

Complete the form below to tell us about your goals and your advertising selections. We will respond within 24 business hours. You can contact Patrick at 780-434-8746,  Ext 235, Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm.

Campaign goal is
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